Επιχειρησιακό Πρόγραμμα Εκπαίδευσης και Αρχικής Επαγγελματικής Κατάρτισης (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ)
Επιστημονικός Υπεύθυνος: Παπαϊωάννου Αθανάσιος, Καθηγητής
Κατεβάστε όλο το έργο πατώντας στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:
"Στάσεις-Αντιλήψεις-Συμπεριφορές: 1) Στο μάθημα φυσικής αγωγής, 2) στους χώρους άσκησης, 3) ως προς έναν υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής, ατόμων που διαφέρουν ως προς το φύλλο, την ηλικία, κοινωνική τάξη, θρησκεία και βαθμό κινητικής δυσκολίας-ατέλειας"

Papaioannou, A., Bebetsos, E., Theodorakis, Y., Christodoulidis, T., Kouli, O. (2006). Causal relationships of sport and exercise involvement with goal orientations, perceived competence and intrinsic motivation in physical education: A longitudinal study.Journal of Sports Sciences, 24, 367-382.
Marsh, H.W., Papaioannou, A., Martin, A., & Theodorakis, Y. (2006). Motivational Constructs in Greek Physical Education Classes: Gender and Age Effects in a Nationally Representative Longitudinal Sample. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 4, 121-148.
Theodorakis, Y., Papaioannou, A., Hatzigeorgiadis, A., & Papadimitriou, E. (2005). Patterns of health-related behaviours among Hellenic students. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 225-242.
Papaioannou, A., Marsh, H., & Theodorakis, Y. (2004). A multilevel approach to motivational climate in physical education and sport settings: An individual or group level construct? Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 26, 90-118.
Papaioannou, A., Karastogiannidou, C., & Theodorakis, Y. (2004). Sport involvement, sport violence and health behaviours of Greek adolescents. European Journal of Public Health. 14, 168-172.
Theodorakis, Y., Papaioannou, A., & Karastogianidou, K. (2004). Relations between family structure and students' health-related attitudes and behaviors. Psychological Reports, 95, 851-858.
Theodorakis, Y., Natsis, P., Papaioannou, A., Goudas, M. (2003). Greek students' attitudes toward physical activity and health-related behavior. Psychological Reports, 92: 275-83.
Digelidis, N.,Papaioannou, A., Christodoulidis, T., & Laparidis, K. (2003). A one-year intervention in 7th grade physical education classes aiming to change motivational climate and attitudes towards exercise. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 3, 195-210.
Theodorakis, Y., Natsis, P.,Papaioannou, A. (2002). Correlation between exercise and other health related behaviors in Greek students. International Journal of Physical Education, 39, 30-34.
Christodoulidis, T., Papaioannou, A., Digelidis, N. (2001). Motivational climate and attitudes towards exercise in Greek senior high school: A year-long intervention. European Journal of Sport Science, 1, 1-12.