Refugees Program/ at the Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences
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Theodorakis Υiannis, Professor University of Thessaly, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hatzigeorgiadis Antonis, Professor University of Thessaly, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Filippou Nadia, Lab Teaching Staff University of Thessaly, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
oannis D. Morres, Postdoctoral Fellow, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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The Philosophy of the program
Professor Yannis Theodorakis

Dear all,

The philosophy of this ‘exercise program for refugees’ is the promotion of equality in society, against xenophobia and racism, through sports and physical activities. 
The struggle against all forms of intolerance. 
The active participation in sports and physical activities that promote the ideas of equality in the society, the respect of human rights, the acceptance of others, intracultural communication, inclusion, cooperation, and team building, regardless of sex, race, religion, minority groups, culture, etc.
--In sport and life, all people are different and all people are equal--
Many thanks to our graduate and postgraduate students and to our academic staff for your excellent contribution, and your enthusiastic active participation, in this endeavor of our University.

Yannis Theodorakis 


2021-2023: Research project
¨Effects of an exercise and sport intervention
among refugees living in a Greek refugee camp on mental health, physical fitness, and cardiovascular risk markers: A randomized controlled trial"

University of Thessaly: A. Hatzigeorgiadis, Professor (I. D. Morres, Researcher)

University of Basel, Switzerland - Coordinating Institute 

University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland  - Partner 

University of Thessaly, Greece - Partner 

Funding -Swiss Network for International Studies, Switzerland


university of Zurich



Due to ongoing political and social conflicts, the number of international refugees has been increasing. Refugees are exposed to severe mental and physical strain, as well as traumatic experiences during their flight. As a consequence, the risk of psychiatric disorders is markedly increased among international refugees with particularities based on gender. International organizations have criticized the lack of early interventions as a key problem, because untreated mental disorders are often difficult to cure at a later stage. Today, exercise and sport have been successfully employed to treat a wide range of psychiatric disorders. With PTSD patients, however, very limited empirical evidence exists, and studies carried out with international refugees are nearly non-existent. In 2017, we have implemented a first pilot one-group pre-test/post-test study in a Greek refugee camp, corroborating the potential benefits of exercise and sport on refugees’ mental health and fitness. The proposed study will take place in the Koutsochero refugee camp, located close to the city of Larissa (Greece). The randomized controlled trial will include an exercise and sport intervention group (n=68) and a wait-list control group (n=68). Participants (50% men/women, 16-59 years) will be assessed three times at baseline, immediately post-intervention (after 3 months), and follow-up (after 6 months). In the second year of study, the program will be opened to all camp residents. Exercise and sport will be offered five times per week (60 min/session) for three months. Participants will participate in at least two sessions per week. The program is developed according to the participants’ needs and preferences and they will be able to choose between a range of activities. PTSD symptoms will serve as primary outcome. Several secondary outcomes will be assessed, and the project will identify potential gender issues. A strategy will be developed how the exercise and sport program can be continued after the SNIS funding comes to an end, and how the program can be scaled up beyond the borders of the Koutsochero camp. 


Spring semester 2020: Hip-hop style dance training program
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. University of Thessaly.
Aim: promoting the health of students and the integration of their refugee classmates.

Managers: Filippou Nadia, Lab teaching staff and Terry Callandri, postgraduate student
Without funding

Hip hop is a dance style that young people love. It is a very free and raw form of dance that young people can express with their whole body and posture. The movement of the body in the rhythm of music can contribute to better physical and mental health, but also to enhance the emotional and social well-being of young people. In addition to gaining basic knowledge about this type of dance (hip-hop), participants will develop a healthy relationship with the group, enjoying group activities and choreography.
The general goal of the program was to promote health through the participation of children in exercise programs, and clearly promote the integration and acceptance of refugee students. Music was carefully selected by the managers and the choreography was always according to the possibilities of the participants. 20-25 Greek High School children and refugees from the 2nd, 3rd, and 9th High Schools of the city of Trikala, girls and boys, participated. The program prepared by specially trained members of the department in the event hall of the 2nd High School of Trikala in the afternoon, with 2 participation per week. Participation was free and the program lasted until the end of the school year 2019-2020.

Spring semester 2020: Football for everyone. Football training for all once a week (with the participation of boys and girls of all ages).
Manager: Filippou Nadia, Lab teaching staff and trainer Juliano Pereira postgraduate student
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. University of Thessaly.
Aim: Soccer training for all. Weekly Soccer training for refugees and locals (boys and girls of all ages).
Without funding

soccer with Nano


2019-2020: Research project NSRF. Sports and social integration of refugees: Do refugees' aspirations converge with Greek expectations?
Responsible: Eleftheria Morela, Professor A. Hatzigeorgiadis, Professor Y. Theodorakis
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. University of Thessaly.

Aim: The purpose of this research is to explore refugees’ acculturation goals and hosts’ acculturation expectations and identify the degree of fit through concordance and discordance in acculturation attitudes and perceptions
Funding: NSRF (2014-2020)

The purpose of this research project is to investigate the process of acculturation both on the part of the refugees and on the part of the Greeks and specifically to focus on the convergence between the cultural pursuits of the former and the expectations of the latter. In addition, the role of sports participation in relation to convergence and the parameters of the incentive environment that can promote convergence will be examined. Specifically, the research questions of the proposed research project focus on (a) exploring the aspirations of refugee culture as well as the difficulties of achieving these aspirations, (b) examining the role of sports participation for refugees, the barriers to participation, the benefits, and the difficulties, as well as the ways to facilitate them, (c) in exploring the expectations of Greeks for the acculturation of refugees and their experiences through interaction with refugees, (d) in examining the views of Greeks on the participation of refugees in sports teams, the possible difficulties and the ways of dealing with them in order to facilitate the effective interaction within the teams, and (e) to investigate the convergence of the aspirations of the refugees and the expectations of the Greeks and to highlight the conditions of the sports environment that can to support convergence.

2019 (spring semester): FutbolNet Programme Methodology by Barca Foundation

Manager for the Department: Theodorakis Yiannis, Professor, Filippou Nadia, Lab teaching staff
The project was based on an initiative of the Danish Refugee Council in Greece (DRC Greece)
Funded: By the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund of the European Union.
Implemented for three months, twice a week by the Department of Physical Education and Sport Science of the University of Thessaly from members of the Laboratory of Exercise Psychology and Quality of Life
With the support of e-trikala


Bará Foundation Logo on White2

UTH e trikala


The FutbolNet program methodology uses physical activity and sport as an agent of change for children and young people in vulnerable environments. FutbolNet promotes the values of FC Barcelona -effort, respect, teamwork, humility, and ambition- as construed from the culture of cooperation, where the values benefit the individual and the community as a whole, providing important new experiences in social interaction.

The program methodology is described below, making reference to the 3-part methodology, cooperation in order to promote the values, the involvement of everyone through the games and the role of teachers as educational models.

In all sessions of the program, the children and young people participate in the 3-part FutbolNet match, which has three basic rules: there is no referee, which encourages autonomy in the resolving of disputes by the children and young people; the teams must be heterogeneous in terms of gender, disability, soccer skills, place of origin, among other things; and finally, everyone must be encouraged to participate.

The Department with the instructors and the volunteer students of the department spent three months playing games and football 2 times a week with a group of boys and girls, Greek and refugee students from the city of Trikala. The aim of the program was not to learn football skills, but through football and cooperative play to teach children the basic principles of sports such as respect, cooperation, effort, and teamwork with the ultimate goal of the integration of children in society. What we worked on the most was "respect". "Respect for my teammates", "respect for my family", "respect for the rules of the game" "respect for everyone". Teamwork and collaboration were also worked on. "If we work together, we can all achieve more." In Barcelona's FutbolNet program, children changed the rules and set their own. Rules that always favored those who needed it most and did not participate so actively in the game. The educators were always vigilant to highlight these children. After all, the message of the program is "No child offside". There were no referees in the match and the children were responsible for following the rules they set before the start. The score was also different. The winner was not always the team with the most goals, but the team that had tried the most, that had followed the rules and played a fair game.





SONET- Solidarity network for young migrants and refugees: a project towards integration through sport.

Aim: The purpose of this project was to identify the reasons preventing the migrants and refugees’ from participating in sports and develop appropriate platforms and networks to facilitate access to it
Responsible for the University of Thessaly: Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis Professor,  Theodorakis Yiannis Professor, Filippou Nadia, Lab teaching staff
Funding: by Erasmus + program of the European Union

erasmus project logo UTH LOGO SONET

“So.Net. – Solidarity Network for sport and young migrants” is a project approved inside the Erasmus+ – Sport program and it is co-financed by European Commission. The project addresses the objective above and the European policy on Sport and migrants because it wants to highlight the values inside sport, create communities of people working together for integration and inclusion of migrant minors, fighting against xenophobia and racism, give the possibility to small sports organizations to share and promote their initiatives, good practices and ask for suggestions thanks to the network.


  • The need for research and development of strategies that can help smoothing the acculturation process is high.
  • Sport participation has long been considered an effective socializing agent, as it is among the few social activities that are globally recognized as a vehicle for bringing people, and in particular youth, together
  • For sport to become an effective acculturation agent, migrants and refugees must become part of it. The evidence suggests that, across Europe, their participation in sport is very limited.
  • The purpose of this initiative was to identify how to facilitate the access of migrants/refugees to sport clubs.


  • A survey was conducted in three countries, Italy, Slovenia, and Greece.
  • Participants were 324 migrants and refugees between 6 to 18 years old. Among them 74% were from Asia and 26% from Africa.


  • 78,5% did not participate in sport, while 90,2% of them would like to.
  • Top sports in their preferences were football, swimming, karate, basketball.
  • The reasons for not participating in sports were by large the lack of financial resources (44,81) and the lack of awareness about where they should seek sport participation (28,30).
  • 71% would participate in mixed gender teams.
  • 41.3% reported their guardian could not pay any fee for participating in sport club.


  • Migrants and refugees would like to participate in sport
  • They mostly need financial facilitation and some mediation to initiate contact and access to sport clubs.
  • Initiatives are required to facilitate the efficient placement of migrants/refugees into the available network sport clubs


  • Development of sport clubs network in the 3 countries.
  • Provision of over 150 positions free of club-fee for young migrants/refugees to participate in sport.


  • Extend youth sport clubs network within countries but also across Europe.
  • Train youth sport coaches to introducing migrants/refugees into teams and developing skills and actions to exploit sport participation towards the goals of integration.

Our website will promote the network in order to make visible and accessible the sport organization members to migrant minors and their families.

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January 2019 - SONET and postgraduate Intensive course in Sport Psychology with 25 refugees in joint activities

The lab and the department through the Intensive Course in Sport and Exercise Psychology of the European network of Universities in Sports Psychology, with the participation of 42 students from 25 countries held a lecture on Thursday 31/1/2019 with Professor Yiannis Theodorakis topic "The role of the Olympic movement in the refugee crisis: An exercise program for refugees". On the same day, 25 refugees from 4 schools in Trikala and the 42 postgraduate students participated in joint games and a mixed friendly football match, promoting through sports integration, equality in society, respect for human rights and acceptance of others. At the same time, this event was aimed at the call made within the European program Erasmus + So.Net. to create a network of Sports Organiz

The laboratory and TEFAA University through the Intensive Course in Psychology of Exercise and Sports, the European network of Universities in Sports Psychology, with the participation of 42 students from 25 countries held a lecture on Thursday 31/1 with Professor Giannis Theodorakis topic "The role of the Olympic movement in the refugee crisis: An exercise program for refugees". On the same day, 25 refugees from 4 schools in Trikala and the 42 postgraduate students participated in joint games and a mixed friendly football match, promoting through sports integration, equality in society, respect for human rights and acceptance of others. At the same time, this event was aimed at the call made within the European program Erasmus + So.Net. to create a network of Sports Organizations that will be registered in the international network of organizations that offer easy access to exercise and sports to refugees.


9/5/2018: SONET-The closing game for a year of training in our Department/ more than 50 refugee students participated from 5 schools of Trikala city


With smiles and a deep sense of satisfaction from all participants, the 2nd friendly mixed football match was held with refugee children and students of the department in the context of the closing of the second year of refugee training at the Department's facilities. Boys and girls, refugee children, students of the University, enthusiastically participated in the race and track and field sports.

The day started with a presentation on the concepts of equality, fair play, and the Olympic ideals in relation to the refugee crisis.

This was followed by a brief presentation of the European So.Net program. - Solidarity Network for sport and young migrants in the framework of Erasmus + sport, which aims to create a European database of sports organizations that can offer easy access to exercise and sports to refugees and migrants in their area.

The presentation closed with an award by the Dean Papaioannou Athanassios, to the two students of the University, Dimitris Georgantas and Giannis Rizos, and the awarding of certificates for their voluntary contribution to the weekly training of the refugee group.

The Laboratory of Exercise Psychology and Quality of Life of the University of Thessaly has been successfully implementing refugee training programs for the last two years. These programs focus on educating our students on intercultural education, promoting equality in society, socially integrating refugees, and combating xenophobia and racism by providing equal opportunities to participate in sports and physical activity.

Many thanks to the students of the football specialty who helped a lot in the organization of the event as well as the students of the specialty of classical sports.

The event was attended by refugee children from two primary schools and 3 high schools in our city.


members of sonet

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Exercise Program for Refugees at the Department of Physical Education & Sport Science of the University of Thessaly

Responsible: Theodorakis Y., Professor, Filippou N., Lab teaching staff

For the academic year 2017-2018, we created football teams with refugees from our area and our department students. They are trained at the department by students and teachers who volunteer their help and friendly mixed matches are organized.

Our Facebook page "We welcome Refugees through Football" for this year program:

Some photos of this year program:

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25 May – 1 June 2017 -International Olympic Academy in Ancient Olympia

Professor Yannis Theodorakis presented at the “12th International Session for Educators of Higher Institutes of Physical Education” the lecture:
“The role of the Olympic Movement in the refugee crisis. An exercise program for refugees

 ioa intro image 

This lecture aims to examine the role of the Olympic Movement in the refugee crisis, and to present an exercise program for refugees organized by the University of Thessaly. The focus of the “exercise program for refugees” is on the promotion of equality in society, against xenophobia and racism, through sports and physical activities, in order to struggle against all forms of intolerance. The active participation of refugees in sports and physical activities, promotes the ideas of equality in the society, the respect for human rights, the acceptance of others, the intracultural communication, the inclusion, the cooperation, and team building, regardless of sex, race, religion, minority groups, culture, etc. In sports and life, all people are different and at the same time all people are equal. Any initiative of the Olympic movement in this direction is in accordance with its values. The International Olympic Academy can play a leading role in implementing and coordinating exercise programs for refugees. 

see the lecture here


Exercise for Refugees at the Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences/ University of Thessaly
Responsible: Theodorakis Y., Professor
Without funding, with the support of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees & the municipality of Trikala (e-trikala)

In collaboration with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the department of the University of Thessaly, proceeded to another innovative action, hosting 70 refugee children from the area of ​​Trikala in order to meet the students of the Department participating in various playful activities.
The project was conducted under the guidance of Professor Y.Theodorakis, who also has the paternity of the idea, while dozens of members of the School and students from all years participated.
According to the program and with the motto "we do not teach but we play with them", there will be two meetings per month at the department facilities, with the aim of establishing this humanitarian action as a weekly event.
The Dean of SEFAA Professor Yiannis Koutentakis welcomed the initiative of Professor Yiannis Theodorakis saying: "It is probably the first time in Greece that a university school comes so close with children from refugee camps, thus giving cultural lessons in every direction."
Professor Giannis Theodorakis told us about the project: "All of us students and teachers at  the University of Thessaly believe that through sports and games, we can promote the ideas of equality in society, respect for human rights, acceptance of diversity, communication of cultures, and cooperation. , regardless of gender, race, religion, minority, culture, inequality, disability, or weakness.

3rd meeting
The Refugee Children Exercise program of the department was held for the third time on Wednesday, December 14, 2016, with Professor Giannis Theodorakis in charge. The last meeting was again attended by students of specialties as well as Greek and foreign postgraduate students of the Postgraduate Programs "Exercise Psychology" and "European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology" and under the guidance of Geli Aroni traditional Greek games were organized. The atmosphere was enthusiastic and once again teachers and participants came out victorious with new experiences and the joy of the offer.

Photos from the 14/12/2016 program

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Photo: explaining the games to students and refugees &  Mohamed who Loves Football

2nd meeting

The frost of the day did not discourage the group of students of the University, nor our little friends from Syria. The 2nd meeting took place in a cordial and optimistic atmosphere. The activities were all transferred indoors and were attended by students and teachers of the University as well as postgraduate students of the programs "Exercise Psychology" and "European Master in Sport & Exercise Psychology".
Photos from the 2nd Meeting / Photos

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A Refugee Exercise Program in the area of Trikala: Info day by Professor Y. Theodorakis


On Wednesday, November 2, 2016, the general principles of the pioneering program were presented by Professor Yiannis Theodorakis.
"Reception & Participation of groups of children - refugees of the area of ​​Trikala, in Exercise & Leisure activities at the university.
"Can sports change the world? To promote the ideas of equality in society, respect for human rights, the acceptance of diversity, the communication of cultures, cooperation, team effort, regardless of gender, race, religion, minority, culture, inequality, disability, weakness? They can!"
The program will be organized by students and teachers of specialties and will take place at the premises of TEFAA University in Karyes, Trikala.
Find out about the organization of training programs for refugee children located in the area of ​​Trikala in the following file:
Click here CLICK6 to see the presentation of Professor Theodorakis Giannis.
With the motto "You do not teach, but you play with them", Professor Theodorakis Giannis presented to the students of the specialties, some simple but fun games that can be used in the program.
Following are photos from the event (the training):

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