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The group develops, applies and evaluates life skills learning programs as self-regulatory skills learning programs in youth sport and in physical education.

Members of LIFE Group

Selected Publications

Goudas, M., Kolovelonis, A., & Dermitzaki, I. (2013). Implementation of self-regulation interventions in physical education and sports contexts. In Bembenutty, H., Cleary, T., & Kitsantas, A. (Eds.), Applications of self-regulated learning across diverse disciplines: A tribute to Barry J. Zimmerman (ππ. 383 – 416). Greenwich, CT: Information Age.

Goudas, M., & Giannoudis, G. (2008). A team-sports-based life-skills program in a physical education context. Learning and Instruction, 18, 528-536.

Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2012). The Effects of Self-Talk and Goal Setting on Self-Regulation of Learning a New Motor Skill in Physical Education. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 10, 1-15.

Goudas, M., Biddle, S., & Fox, K. (1994). Perceived locus of causality, goal orientations, and perceived competence in school physical education classes. British Journal of Educational psychology, 64, 453-463.
