Nikos Comoutos: "Introducing The International Society of Sport Psychology Academy of Science"

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One of the new papers created also by a member of the Lab:
"Introducing The International Society of Sport Psychology Academy of Science"

Robert J. Schinke,Alessandro Quartiroli,YoungHo Kim,Kazutoshi Kudo,Yu-Kai Chang &Nikos Comoutos

The International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology celebrated its 20th Anniversary in 2023. The International Society of Sport Psychology’s leadership is exceedingly proud of the monumental achievements that have marked the evolution of our flagship journal. We have actively grown this journal from a modest submission rate of less than 50 in its earliest years, through its progress onward from 100 submissions, through 300, to where we presently find ourselves, where several submissions are received daily. These submissions and consequent acceptances arrive from almost every country where sport and exercise psychology are practiced, spanning five continents. The vastness of international diversity is also mirrored in a breadth of subject areas and how these are approached, often distinctly, in geographic regions. The abundant openness and exchange of ideas is something the International Society of Sport Psychology continues to value and encourage through our various projects, including those written and submitted to the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.

This journal’s success is partly the result of well-read and cited scholarship from thoughtful scholars. Each year, the manuscripts accepted through a stringent peer review are numerically monitored in terms of number of reads and citations, as well as their acquired altimetric score. These numeric indices help to inform the International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology’s impact factor, along with further journal metrics we monitor closely whilst also valuing diverse perspectives that span traditional through contentious subject areas and methodological approaches (Papaioannou & Schinke, Citation2024). The vastness of submissions gaining these scores extend beyond a wide number of countries and topics, to a variety of accepted formats, likely with more to be considered. The accepted manuscripts include empirical studies, forms of systematic review, theoretical contributions, practical contributions, position stands, consensus statements, commentaries, and editorials. Each format and accompanying orientation have their respective place in the IJSEP. The foot traffic towards our manuscripts suggests a readership interested in all forms of science to practice, from diverse vantages. Consequently, the specific methodologies, findings, and suggestions of the manuscripts are expected to contribute to the research and practice that will be carried out in the future of our field.

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